Causes we care about
At Emergent You, We believe Everyone has the right to have access to healthy food.
But that isn’t the case, in our country or the world. Many people do NOT have access to healthy food. In my pursuit of a healthy diet for my family and myself, and learning about the whole plant based food movement, I also became informed that so many people do not have access to the foods that best support their health, but also don’t have access to the information to make the best choices.
I will never forget one very particular moment when I was volunteering at the West Side Catholic Center in Cleveland at the food kitchen years ago. My son was 14 at the time (he is in his 20’s now) and we were cooking a meal to provide to the community. That organization provides 3 meals a day to people in need in the Cleveland urban area. I was frustrated that the options that had been donated to the center were processed meatballs, processed white pasta, processed white breads and loads of leftover cake with frosting from the local grocery stores. This was often the case – the foods provided through donation were far from REAL FOOD. But on this day we also had broccoli. I was so excited that we had a real vegetable to serve along with all the processed foods. The rule at the center was everyone goes through the line once then can come back for seconds. The broccoli didn’t last to seconds, but we had plenty of cake left over. My son and I were standing at the counter, waiting to serve seconds and a boy about my son’s age approached the counter and he asked meekly, with his plate extended, “Do you have any more broccoli?”. I was heartbroken to have to tell him NO, and then offer him what was left… cake. He turned that down. And the sadness in the way he turned around … I wanted to run out and buy all the broccoli in Cleveland for him.
That is why here at Emergent You we support the Food Justice Movement. It is a grassroots initiative emerging from communities in response to food insecurity and economic pressures that prevent access to healthy, nutritious, and culturally appropriate foods (food should fit the cultural background of the people consuming it). See the organizations below we are committed to supporting in 2020. In our alignment with the Black Lives Matter movement, our support of food justice merges our mission of promoting healthy nutrition through whole plant based foods and recognizes the nutritional impact through social injustice to our Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities.

Be grateful for healthy food.
I took this picture on a trip to India to do work for social justice around Human Traffiking. There are several causes close to my heart, and they all revolve around FREEDOM. I believe people – all people – should be free from abuse and slavery.
From domestic violence to human traffiking I will continute to advocate for human freedom.
But this picture struck a strong cord with me and really solidfied for me how grateful I am to have access to an abundance of heatlhy, clean food. Many people in our country and all over the world do not have that luxury. People of color in the United States are hit harder with this issue, and that is why we support food justice. It is a human right to have access to REAL FOOD.
Real Meals Campaign
They are a Community Coalition for Real Meals – an intergenerational, multiracial group of farmers, fishers, ranchers, activists, students, and workers calling for a transformation of the way that cafeteria food is sourced.
Big Food corporations are hiding an ugly truth: their business model drives farmers and fishers off the land and water, perpetuates racial injustice, drives down wages, and drives up chronic disease and carbon emissions. They are a threat to our future, with communities of color hit first and worst.
Real Meals is calling on the biggest players in the multi-billion dollar cafeteria industry to be part of the solution, not the problem.
It’s time for Aramark, Sodexo, and Compass Group to drop exclusive deals with Big Food manufacturers; to open their doors to farmers of color, fair and humane food sources, and community-based agriculture and seafood; and to play their part in reducing greenhouse gases.
As a first step, they are asking each company to commit to the following in the higher education sector:
- Achieve 25% real food for every campus
- Invest in racial justica and equity
- Reduce carbon emissions and industrial animal products
- Increase transparency and accountability
Florida Organic Growers
They educate producers, consumers, media, institutions and governments about the benefits of organic and sustainable agriculture, presenting at tours, conferences, workshops, classes and other educational opportunities. Topics include but not limited to organic and sustainable farming practices, local food systems, Farm Bill opportunities, certification options, marketing, social justice and opportunities and challenges in the organic marketplace.
FOG began as a grassroots organization, with the office located at various times in someone’s kitchen or an unused corner of a barn. The Organic Food Production Act of 1990 required that the USDA develop national standards for organic products, and FOG was heavily involved in the development of the National Organic Program regulations governing organics. The National Organic Program Final Rule was published in the Federal Register in 2000. FOG continues to be very active in policy, including continuing development of the NOP standards, food safety and genetically modified food. FOG is also active in developing and implementing Farm Bill programs.
Community to Communtiy
They believe that another world is possible and we are active participants with other popular people’s movements. They strive to reclaim our humanity by redefining power in order to end settler colonialism, capitalism, and patriarchy in their external and internalized forms.
Towards this end they:
- Empower under-represented peoples to have an equal voice in decision making processes
- Develop cross-cultural awareness
- Restore justice to our food, land and cultural practices
- Promote community relationships towards self-reliance
- Work in solidarity with those that strive towards human rights for all
- Rescue the value of feminine intellect and leadership
At the core of our programmatic work is the belief in and commitment to eco-feminism. Our program work is structured in three major program areas: Participatory Democracy, Food Justice and Movement Building. The program areas are taken to action via projects that are hands-on, community based and led. They are linked to each other and eco-feminism in an intersecting circular process.
I am passionate when it comes to health and removing the CRAP that keeps you from emerging.
People turn to me for coaching to live their best life, and I start with food because I know the power of physical health being the foundation for every other success you want to achieve.
My uncompromising values in business and in life are that we have our own answers and there is no ONE right way for everyone but in the face of evidence and new knowledge I will challenge you to cut the CRAP and the lies you are telling yourself to keep you from your own wisdom. I push with tough love and call BS yet will not tolerate self-doubt and mean self talk – That is all part of the crap I help you rid yourself of for good.
My people are open minded and curious and want to feel and be better than where they are today and will join me on this journey with laughter and excitement of the possibilities.
It doesn’t matter to me where you are starting as long as I have your commitment to keep going, one step, one choice, one breath at a time.
I am on a mission to destroy the damn wagon that people fall off of and instead hold hands and take a walk. Then if you fall…. it is easy enough to pick yourself up and wipe your knees and keep going with me right there holding out my hand.
Hanging out with me will make you GROW and GLOW.
It is inevitable.
I want to exit this world with the legacy that I helped so many people that they in turn went and helped 10 others and the waterfall effect continues. I want to rid the world of diseases born of our choices by educating, coaching, and walking the walk.
I go to bed every night with the satisfaction that me being me makes a difference. I live a life passionate to serve and teach.
With my friends and family I am goofy and loving and do my best to hold space for each one of them to be exactly who they are, and I am right here to give them a boost every damn day.
My stance on diet and my passion for eating whole plant based foods might offend people at times, but I can’t unknow what I know and will never pass up a chance to drop the seed of knowledge.
I will not rest until we are all armed with information to make the healthiest decisions. If you know better and choose not to act that is one thing…but many people just don’t know what choices will truly align them to optimal health.
I don’t believe in failure – I believe in results. Results are merely the output of a choice. If you don’t like the results, we have to change the input. But you have to WANT to really change.
It infuriates me that people think life is what happens to them… and it is NOT.
Life is what you do and how YOU are and what YOU CHOOSE to see and be and do in the face of life.
Lori Palmer
Connect with Emergent You
Connect with Lori

My Approach
People are like trees… and just as the apple tree doesn’t stop being an apple tree in the absence of the fruit, we are always our divinely amazing selves; many times we have just forgotten that. We need some care and feeding, and sunlight and breeze and TIME. The tree doesn’t bloom overnight, and with Conscious Consumption™ we begin to focus on the journey, and not the outcome. And when we do… the abundance of life is ours.
I was first introduced to Lori Palmer and Emergent You while on a short hospital stay directly related to many years of being overweight.
Emergent You and Conscious Consumption™ has been one of the biggest transformations in my lifetime and working with Lori is an absolute pleasure!
After many years of fad diets and scattered readings, I had grown weary of any program directed at losing weight (one of my primary goals). But after meeting Lori and reading about her programs and philosophies, I didn’t hesitate to jump in head first, and I couldn’t be happier; even as I’m only in my first few months of the program! I knew right away this was a life-changing endeavor, seemingly custom made for me and my current situation.
The results that I have experienced through Conscious Consumption™ have been sudden and delightful. While weight loss is always a gradual process, the way I feel, inside and out, has changed almost immediately. More energy, more confidence, and improved mental and physical health are just a few of the pleasant byproducts of this amazing program.
There is no question that through Lori and her courses I have begun a journey that has brought new vigor and energy to my plight and will most certainly change my life forever!
What made you sign up for the program? I wanted to have easy recipes that might help transform my gut. I didn’t want to think but have everything laid out for me. I am not a cook and not confident with cooking. I saw how passionate you were about eating well and believed it would work from your results and your conviction. Then when I saw how much you knew about plant based and really lived it and how much you really want to help people and change the world through it, I wanted to sign up.
Were you happy with your decision or was it a disappointment? I was very happy with my decision. I couldn’t believe I actually took the time to shop and got everything on the list. It helped going with my boyfriend so that he could get things while I was getting other things at the store. We had fun with it and it was easy and fun to make the recipes.
How has the Conscious Consumption™ Cut the CRAP Course transformed your life and relationship with food so far? So far, it’s made a big shift in the bloating. I think this has a lot to do with not eating eggs or dairy. I also feel more energized and sleep better. The quinoa and sweet potato recipe made me feel better right away and I started to learn to go to vegetables first.
How is this program different from any other diet you have experienced? You are very hands on and accessible. You’ve created a community that has a great energy so that helps to support and encourage. The recipes are fun and engaging, easy to follow. I feel inspired by this diet program rather than like I’m inadequate and need fixing. With this diet, I feel like you value me and encourage me to emerge from the healthiest place which is already there but needs to be fed well.
What results did you experience?
I experienced more energy, feeling a greater sense of happiness and well-being. Vibing higher. Confident about shopping and preparing meals. Reduction of bloating in face and belly. Feeling better in clothes. Able to maintain a healthy weight that now feels natural. Awareness that eggs and dairy had really been affecting me negatively.
What is one thing this program offers that no one else does? Your program offers an honest, personal touch, a real community of real people, and the tools to actually get you in balance. It’s a program that delivers equilibrium which I think is heads and tails above the rest.
Will you recommend this program? Yes and I have to my Best Friend!
Life Changing!
There is no question that through Lori and Conscious Consumption™ I have begun a journey that has brought new vigor and energy to my plight and will most certainly change my life forever! ~ Kevin
Passion to help
Lori is the real deal! She has a vibrant spirit and a passion to help people. I would definitely recommend working with her. She is so encouraging and full of wisdom and love. And she really knows her stuff when it comes to being healthy body, mind, and spirit. ~ Mary
What made you sign up for the program? I signed up for the program because ever since coming into adulthood, I have always strived be a better version of myself not only for me but for all the people around me, family, friends, coworkers, my spouse, my pets etc… It’s a process and we as humans are constantly evolving. Part of that process for me is continuing to build upon all the knowledge and experience I have to enable myself to make better decisions about every aspect of my life including my health and safety. It is a part the foundation of my hierarchy of needs and I believed that participating in this program would inherently help me improve mentally, physically, emotionally, and open my mind to some principles I, perhaps, hadn’t necessarily considered in past.
Were you happy with your decision or was it a disappointment? The program did not disappoint! I was happy with the decision and happy to see such a supportive group of people who were in the same mindset and willing to make some changes to their lifestyle. The thoughtfulness that went into the program is absolutely evident through the content, meal plan, exercises, and accountability tools that were provided, yet flexible enough to fit my busy schedule.
Was there anything that made you think twice before signing up or was it an impulse decision? The decision to sign up was easy! Based on the cost and what I knew the program had to offer, it was a no-brainer. It was also an easy decision for me because I’m open to putting in the effort required to make the appropriate lifestyle changes without excuses getting in my way.
How has the Conscious Consumption™ Cut the CRAP Course transformed your life and relationship with food so far? Upon completing the program, I have definitely become more mindful about where my food comes from and what I choose to eat to fuel my body and it’s processes. Understanding the physiology behind how food is processed in the body and becoming more in touch with the way I feel after meal times is now playing an active role in my decision making whether I am grocery shopping or out to dinner at a restaurant.
How is this program different from any other diet you have experienced? As a former CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting coach and gymnast, I’ve tried all the diet programs. The best part about this one in my opinion is it’s sustainability. It’s simple, eat all the plants! They are readily available, there isn’t a ton of measuring or worrying about the glycemic load of a particular fruit or vegetable. Just eat clean, whole, organic plants!
What results did you experience? While on the whole food, plant based diet, I feel lighter. No more tired, stuffed to the brim, dragging, regretful feelings after meal times. My energy levels stayed the same, there wasn’t much of adoption period my body had to overcome and when it was said and done, I was pleasantly surprised to find I had in fact lost 10 pounds in a few weeks, my clothes fit better, I was a bit leaner in areas that have always been more difficult to lean out on my body.
What is one thing this program offers that no one else does?
The attention to detail and one on one access to a person who genuinely cares about your journey. The community is so supportive. Lori is consistently checking in with me and pushing me to stay on track, offering advice when I need it and guiding you every step of the way.
Will you recommend this program?
Yes and I have! Friends, family, my husband even my esthetician is onboard with Emergent You programs and methodology. ALL have seen results i.e. weight loss, improved diagnostic labs, increased energy levels, the transition was easy and they continue to be excited to drive change within themselves.
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of programs do you offer?
Emergent You has many programs delivered in our online platform, in addition to recipe bundles. Click here to learn more about our programs.
Why is nutrition part of many of the programs?
Gut health drives every facet of our performance. Our mood, our energy, and our clarity of thought is a product of our microbiome health. We can't address other goals without starting with nutrition. If you were called to help a farmer figure out why his apple tree wasn't producing fruit, you would start at the roots. Nutrition is how we start with the roots.
What kind of retreats and workshops do you offer?
We offer personal small group workshops for plant based nutrition, meal planning and cooking. We also offer wellness workshops, yoga retreats, and BlueMind Wellness retreats as well. Click here to learn more.
Do you offer private coaching?
Yes private coaching is available with Lori Palmer on a very limited basis. Most coaching is a combination of remote meetings and guidance leveraging our signature programs and individual instruction based on your needs. Fill out this form to have a consultation about private sessions with Lori.
Do you offer corporate wellness programs?
Lori offers several corporate programs related to wellness at work, home and work life balance, and effective coherent leadership. Contact her here to learn more.
What is multiple brain integration technique?
mBIT, or Multiple Brain Integration Technique, is a suite of tools and techniques for communicating with, integrating, and harnessing the power of your multiple brains (head, heart, and gut brains).
The founders of mBraining discovered through extensive research that each of your brains has a competency that is its 'highest expression' and that the three brains, when operating via these competencies, produce synergistic effects and bring greater wisdom to decision making, relationships, and life.
The highest expressions are Compassion (heart), Creativity (head), and Courage (gut). When all three work together they produce amazing results!