Emergent You

Signature Programs

Conscious Consumption™


Coaching Services

Cooking at Home

Zoom Cooking Sessions
Pantry Resets
Customized Meal Plans
Shopping Sessions

FREE Consultation

$97 Initial Session

$247 / session

$197 per session / 5 Session minimum

Monthly and 12 Week Custom Program Packages – Contact me for rates. 

Finding Balance

Mindful Movement
Private Yoga Sessions
Customized Workouts
Reiki and Yoga Tune Up®

FREE Consultation

$97 Initial Session

$247 / session

$197 per session / 5 Session minimum

Monthly and 12 Week Custom Program Packages – Contact me for rates. 

Building a Routine

Habit Inventory
Custom Meditations
Personalized Goal Setting 

FREE Consultation

$97 Initial Session

$247 / session

$197 per session / 5 Session minimum

Monthly and 12 Week Custom Program Packages – Contact me for rates. 

Other Programing

Conscious Consumption


Online workshop information coming soon!

Limited Availability


Right now in person retreats are on hold until it is safe to travel due to the current global issues. Please contact us to get on our list for information on future retreats.  

Corporate Programs

Contact us to discuss your corporate wellness and leadership initiatives.
Limited Availability

Speaking Engagements

Lori speaks at various seminars. Please reach out for more information.
Limited Availability

"Lori is an invaluable asset to our team"

Lori’s thoughtful and tailored teaching methods have been transformational for our company. Upon learning each of our unique quirks and tendencies, Lori continues to make individual modifications that positively affect our personal well-being as well as translate to increased work productivity. Her knowledge of anatomy and yoga help us to become more aware of our bodies in settings outside of class. In addition to the physical care, she goes so far as to bring informative discussions about nutrition, sleep and energy care to our mats. Lori is an invaluable asset to our team – we are a healthier group because of her guidance!

– Stefanie R from Integis

take your wellness programming to another level

 Lori has partnered with our firm over the last several years. In addition to in-house yoga instruction, she brings a valuable perspective across the wellness, physiological, neurological and performance spectrums. She is a sincere, high-energy, philosophical and talented member of our extended team. Lori is certainly worthy of serious consideration if you want to take your company’s wellness programming to another level.

~ Rob H from Falcon

New Recipes Every Week

Subscribe for Healthy Eating & Cooking Resources Every Week

What is a ‘Health Halo’? (and recipe for Kale Chips!)

What is a ‘Health Halo’? (and recipe for Kale Chips!)

If you’re trying to eat healthier, you already know you should be including lots of fruit, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. But when you step into a grocery store, things get a bit more complicated. The majority of store shelves are crammed with a tempting...

Gluten Free & Vegan Pancakes with Sourdough Discard

Gluten Free & Vegan Pancakes with Sourdough Discard

These vegan pancakes are a great way to use up that leftover sourdough culture from feedings! Makes 4 two pancake servings. We love making fresh gluten free sourdough bread. In fact I recently did a LIVE series in our Plant Based Recipe and Meal Planning Facebook...

Chickpea of the Sea – Vegan “Tuna” Salad

Chickpea of the Sea – Vegan “Tuna” Salad

This delightfully delicious and healthy salad is a great vegan and plant-based alternative to tuna salad. The secret is not leaving the chickpeas whole by giving them a good pulse in a food processor, and adding in a great seaweed sprinkle for that taste of the sea!...

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Email Address
Call Me
(440) 290-9143