My Story
Life & Learning
I am passionate about food
I started cooking over 35 years ago. As the middle child in a busy house with 2 full time working parents and both me and my sisters involved in tons of sports and extracurricular activities, my dad and step-mom encouraged us to help prepare dinner during the week. And the rule in my house was — whoever cooks doesn’t have to do dishes…. and I HATE doing dishes. That started my love affair with cooking early; and I often cooked 2-3 nights a week for the family, and was up early on the weekends making breakfast! We did our best to be health conscious, and being a military family with international travel ( I went to high school in Japan!). In addition, I was exposed early on to a wide range of foods most people in the US didn’t even know in the 1980’s. This gave me an early appreciation for international cuisine, combining unique spices and herbs, and a passion for playing with flavor and texture with cooking. Creating new recipes and food combinations excites me, and making healthy food taste amazing is my goal.
Our Mission
Our purpose at Emergent You
is to provide a comprehensive approach
empowering people to enhance total health.
We work with individuals, families, communities, and organizations to provide tools to grow health awareness through fitness, food, and focused choices through our Conscious Consumption™ Programs

food as medicine
My family’s exploration into yoga when I was 13 took us down the path of vegetarianism, but we still ate a lot of processed vegetarian “junk food”. Being vegetarian opened a door for me to want to learn and understand more about food, how it impacts the body, and what is optimal for health.
My son was born in 2000 with milk protein allergy. I then began a deep dive into dairy and the effects on grown mammals when they consume what was designed to only be infant food. As my son grew and had issues with asthma. I expanded my knowledge of nutrition into processed foods, artificial dyes, and sugar to give his immunity the best chance possible to stop the autoimmune response that is asthma. Food became our medicine.
My mother had passed away just a few years before my son was born from a sudden heart attack at the age of 47.
My paternal grandfather passed of the same affliction at the age of 56.
The impact those losses had on me was profound. I was facing parenthood with the desire to not only provide a foundation for my son to be the healthiest he could be, but also for me to be healthy to live a long full life to see him grow into adulthood and beyond. I wanted to ensure he never had to experience the loss I did. I know we can’t control accidents and the universe from intervening in our lives. However, I armed myself with knowledge and have chosen a life founded in whole plant eating. I am doing everything I can to be vibrant, energetic, and heart attack proof.
Over the past six years, I have committed to a Whole Food Plant Based lifestyle. I have studied with some of the best doctors in the world on optimal nutrition and microbiome health. They have influenced not only how I live my life, but how I coach and work with students. From this knowledge, in combination with my passion for psychology, life coaching, and fitness, plus my experience working with hundreds of clients to achieve their goals in life, Conscious Consumption™ was born.
While there are many facets to wellness, optimal performance and fulfilling relationships in our lives — I can’t stress enough the importance of starting with food. Begin with getting the microbiome in balance, which will level mood, energy, and clarity of thought so you YOU can emerge and experience your best life ever.
Movement Matters
I found yoga in the late 1980’s. After staying in an ashram in the summer of 1988 as a young teen, the value of meditation and a daily devoted yoga practice was impressed upon me. I have since studied and incorporated many yoga and meditation techniques in my life for over three decades.
I have studied hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga, power vinyasa yoga, Iyengar yoga, Yin yoga and Yoga Tune Up®. My daily morning yoga practice is my compass and my time on my mat every morning no matter where I may be in the world is my foundation.
I have been teaching yoga formally since 2014 and teach many styles to suit the needs of my students. I have also practiced and studied a multitude of meditation techniques including Yoga Nidra, Buddhist meditation methods, general stress release techniques, guided meditations and walking meditation. I am a firm believer in the value of meditation to reduce stress, calm the mind, and provide holistic wellness to the body.
As a lifelong athlete and runner, I bring an awareness and knowledge to my teaching to support all other exercises my students participate in. I believe that yoga will keep every student being active in all the things they love much longer in their life then if they don’t practice yoga; but it is also critical to balance yoga with strength and intensity so your movement diet is as diverse as your food diet! I find too many “yoga only” people that don’t engage in other balanced fitness activities, and this is like just eating salads all the time. Salads are amazing and healthy, but balanced consumption has more value. We need equilibrium – balance in motion.
I teach the power of breath connected with movement, NOT just on a yoga mat. Conscious Consumption™ is beyond the plate and mindful movement and deliberate breath is part of that method.
I believe yoga is for every body, and no flexibility requirements exist. No two yoga practices will look alike. I love creating personal programs for students to meet them exactly where they are.
My academic studies include a Bachelor of Science in Psychology where I focused on the psychology of health and the effects of stress on the body and the mind. Blending the academic world with my studies of yoga and meditation, multiple life coaching modalities and plant based nutrition studies to culminate into Conscious Consumption™.
"Lori Palmer changed everything for me"
As a newer student to yoga, meeting Lori changed everything for me. From what to adjust here and let go of, Lori’s patient instruction helped me to continue to take my yoga practice to more deeper and meaningful levels… both on and off the mat. Lori shows up and lives the yoga mindset, in body, mind, and spirit, which lends a meditative quality to her yoga classes. No matter what class you participate in with Lori, you will learn, benefit, and grow as a result. It is with great appreciation and gratitude I have the privilege to call Lori my friend and favorite yoga instructor.
~ Debbie

Integrated and Wise
Conscious Consumption™ was born from an emergence in my own journey to participate in life fully and without resistance. I have learned from my own intense lessons in life that our struggles and pain come when we resist. And that everything we consume – EVERYTHING –
either gives or takes energy from us.
Consumption is more than food.
We consume ideas – movement – thoughts – words – breath.
We are either choosing to consume things that serve our goals and our highest good, or we we are not deliberately choosing and fall into compulsion. My studies of human behavior and cognitive science, combined with the wisdom
of our distributed minds in the head, heart, and gut, and the knowledge of our
physiology – that every single thing is connected- is the foundation for Conscious
Join me on the journey of exploration, expansion and emergence. I see each of us like a tree in the forest. Every tree emerged with the intention to live life fully, as an apple tree or a willow, unique, but foundationally the same. All trees need food, water, light, space…but sometimes the lack of light and proper nutrition has caused a tree to not express itself as it intended. This leads to wilty branches, lack of fruit… but at its core it is STILL and always will be a tree meant to BE. We are the same. Life doesn’t always shine on us, and can leave us in a drought. Or crowd us out from the light. But unlike a tree, we can choose where we are planted. We can prune, and nurture and feed our core to allow the beauty that has ALWAYS been there to emerge.
I don’t have the answers for you. But I do know how to ask the questions. And together we can uncover YOUR path to growing into the you that you have always meant to be.
Nutrition Education
Specialist in Sports Nutrition
Nutrition coaching for wellness and performance
Plant Based Specialist
T Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
Rouxbe Certification
Plant Based Chef
Foundation Course Plant Based Culinary Program with Matthew Kenney
Movement Education
E-RYT 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification
Inner Bliss Yoga Studio
YACEP® Instructor
Yoga Teacher Instructor
Yoga Tune Up® Integrated Instructor
Yoga Tune Up® Teacher Certification
Integrated Embodied Anatomy Training
Hips Immersion
Shoulders Immersion
Core Integration Immersion
Breath and Bliss Immersion
Elite ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
Specializations in
DNA Fitness & Analysis
Sports Nutrition Coach
Transformation Specialist
The Roll Model® Method Practitioner
Embodied Wellness
Stand Up PaddleFit Coach
Paddle Fitness & Paddle Board Yoga
Traditional Thai Massage Practitioner
Coherent WiSDom
Usui Reiki Master
Reiki Initiation 1998
HeartMath Coach
HeartMath Resilience Advantage Trainer
HeartMath AHT Trainer
HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc.
mBIT International
Eliminate Your Limits Mindset Certified Coach
EYL Brian and Carrie Grasso
Neurology of Coaching Level 1 Certification
EYL Brian and Carrie Grasso
iNLP Master Practitioner IN TRAINING
Due for completion spring 2022

My Approach
People are like trees… and just as the apple tree doesn’t stop being an apple tree in the absence of the fruit, we are always our divinely amazing selves; many times we have just forgotten that. We need some care and feeding, and sunlight and breeze and TIME. The tree doesn’t bloom overnight, and with Conscious Consumption™ we begin to focus on the journey, and not the outcome. And when we do… the abundance of life is ours.